Modern vegan diet

The vegan diet has become very popular. Lately most of people are preferring vegan diet. These days most of the celebrities are converting to vegan. Vegan has become some fashion too! 

The term “vegan” was chosen by combining the first and last letters of “vegetarian.”

Veganism is defined as a  lifestyle that excludes all animal products and attempts to limit the exploitation of animals as much as possible. Vegan diet mostly contain only plants  and food from plants. 

People may choose to go vegan for a variety of reasons, including ethical, health, and environmental concerns. Vegans avoid all foods of animal origin. These include:

Benefits of being vegan 

1. Vegan foods are rich in the nutrients your body needs.
2. Eating vegan helps reduce our risk of suffering from cancer and other diseases.
3. Vegan food can boost your mood.
4. Eating vegan can help you achieve a healthy body weight.
5. It can help prevent type 2 diabetes
6. Eating vegan can reduce the pain of arthritis.

There are different varieties of vegan diets. The most common include:
1. Whole-food vegan diet 
2. Raw-food vegan diet
3. Junk-food vegan diet 
4. The thrive diet
5. Raw till 4


  1. Thank you Bhrama. Your blog has good stuff about health.


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