
Gratitude, Appriciation and Credit - The 3 Magical Words ✨✨

Everyone have a great idea about Gratitude, Appreciation and Credit. These 3 are actually interlinked words. Let us dive through a story to understand them better.  There was a student very clever and we'll mannered. So, obviously she had a good opinion by her lectures. One day she did well in her subjects and got highest grade which was never got by anyone in her college till day. So everyone started appreciating her. She studied for exams with her best friend so that they both have efficient time. Now after getting a good result she have to give credit to her friend as well in her success. When it comes to gratitude. She have to be gratitude to the lecturers who have really helped her a lot personally and professionally to do well but not all the lecturers.  Gratitude can be shown to shown when you achieve something because of them or you have leanrt something from them or they helped you in somthing Appreciation is mostly shown in everyday life. You have to appriciat

Modern vegan diet

The vegan diet has become very popular. Lately most of people are preferring vegan diet. These days most of the celebrities are converting to vegan. Vegan has become some fashion too!  The term “vegan” was chosen by combining the first and last letters of “vegetarian.” Veganism is defined as a  lifestyle that excludes all animal products and attempts to limit the exploitation of animals as much as possible. Vegan diet mostly contain only plants  and food from plants.  People may choose to go vegan for a variety of reasons, including ethical, health, and environmental concerns. Vegans avoid all foods of animal origin. These include: 1.meat 2.chicken 4.shellfish 5.eggs 6.dairy Benefits of being vegan  1. Vegan foods are rich in the nutrients your body needs. 2. Eating vegan helps reduce our risk of suffering from cancer and other diseases. 3. Vegan food can boost your mood. 4. Eating vegan can help you achieve a healthy body weight. 5. It can help prevent t

Health and fitness for busy people

In today's world, everyone is living a busy life. They are so busy with their work, life, friends and family that taking care of their own diet and fitness had moved out of the list. People have started placing their job and other commitments over their health and had opened doors for many chronic diseases and illnesses. Although many are aware of the importance of health, they don't know how to practice a healthy lifestyle. The proven benefits of exercise are endless.  When you start to view health and fitness as a lifestyle rather than a part-time hobby or 30-day challenge, you develop behaviors that will improve many areas of your life. Living a healthy lifestyle can inspire creativity and teach you discipline, adaptability, and balance.This will not only leave you looking and feeling better, but you will show up as a better version of yourself for the people in your life that truly matter. Some tips to follow to be healthy 1.Buy healthy to eat healthily 2.Take h


 Do you want to clear your mind, or focus on one thing? Then you are at right place.  What comes to your mind when u hear word "mindfulness*. A girl sitting on a cushion and doing meditation. Mindfulness is not just meditation. It's beyond meditation. It's the way you approach your life, making life more enjoyable and less stressful.  If you can love everyone around you unconditionally. If you can always find contentment just where you are then it's mindfulness. Fear and loneliness pay attention in our present moments. We are not supposed to be perfect all the time. But we all have capacity ti change, grow, heal, and learn.  If you meditate with anger nothing comes I to your mind other then anger. If you meditate with frustration then only frustration grows. Initially when you try to meditate our mind wanders to every corner of your room. But mindfulness practice can make it to be stable and be able to present with wellness.  We grow in every moment in life. We should