Gratitude, Appriciation and Credit - The 3 Magical Words ✨✨

Everyone have a great idea about Gratitude, Appreciation and Credit. These 3 are actually interlinked words. Let us dive through a story to understand them better. 

There was a student very clever and we'll mannered. So, obviously she had a good opinion by her lectures. One day she did well in her subjects and got highest grade which was never got by anyone in her college till day. So everyone started appreciating her. She studied for exams with her best friend so that they both have efficient time. Now after getting a good result she have to give credit to her friend as well in her success. When it comes to gratitude. She have to be gratitude to the lecturers who have really helped her a lot personally and professionally to do well but not all the lecturers. 

Gratitude can be shown to shown when you achieve something because of them or you have leanrt something from them or they helped you in somthing

Appreciation is mostly shown in everyday life. You have to appriciate everyone who helped you in day to day life. 

Credit is given when you have a great part in someone's success or archivement. 

These three are most common confused words in our life. They have thier own significance. 


  1. Thank you for this lovely blog Brama. Loved it!

  2. Wow, Thank you akka.
    For linking those in a great way 😀


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